Ingredients of Virgin Mojito

30 ml club soda
30 ml lemon juice
Ice cubes as required
8 mint leaves
20 ml sugar syrup
2 lemon wedges

The most effective method to make Virgin Mojito

Stage 1 Shake everything together
Take a shaker and add mint leaves, lemon wedges, sugar syrup and new lemon juice. Use marble or wooden pestle to smash everything inside the shaker. Then add 8-10 ice cubes to it. Shake well until every one of the fixings discharge their flavors. Then pour in a glass.

Stage 2 Add club soda to the beverage and serve right away
Add club soda to top off the glass and trimming with lemon wedges and mint leaves.

You can likewise utilize shining water rather than soda.
In the event that you are making virgin mojito for a group, beat the mint leaves in a food processor or cleave them finely with a blade. Squashing mint leaves in individual glasses can be a great deal of…
It is ideal to utilize new lemon or lime juice while making virgin mojito.
To change over this mojito into a mixed drink, add 50 ml of your number one white rum or vodka to your glass while blending in the soda.

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